Browsing: crate training

Dogs puppy sleeping in his crate

Crating Your Trained Dog

When our dog was a puppy we worried that almost everything we were doing was wrong. “Should we take her out again?” I would say to my husband watching her vigorously smell…


Get Started with Crate Training!

by Eric Bogard

Have you ever noticed your dog hunker under a table, bed or chair?

Whether frightened -say by lightning and thunder- or not, dogs are not all that separated from their wild ancestors. Certain ‘in the wild’ instincts and behaviors still remain such as seeking a den for protection, comfort, and psychological satisfaction. If left without a designated place to call his or her own your dog will actively seek shelter wherever deemed appropriate (not by you but by your four legged friend, of course). However, by tapping into your dog’s natural tendencies a crate will provide the very comfort and solitude so very wanted.