Monthly Archives: October, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday – Weezie

Submit your pet picture for inclusion here: Just Send an email to with the words Wordless Wednesday as the subject line. We’ll give you credit and link the photo to your…


Following Atticus

We sit together, the mountain and me, until only the mountain remains. Li Po Atticus Maxwell Finch and Thomas F. Ryan are two remarkable characters that will impress you beyond belief. Following…


How to Introduce a New Dog to Your Toddler

As any parent will tell you, raising a child isn’t meant to be easy, and it’s something that takes a lot of work, patience, and love to get right. The same can be said for bringing a dog into your family, so when you’re trying to do both at the same time, it can turn into quite the challenge. Introducing a new dog to your toddler requires a bit of dedication to make sure things run smoothly, but if you’re willing to put in the work, your toddler and your new dog will make fast friends.

Cats sad Labrador retriever

Pet Epilepsy

“All the most acute, most powerful, and most deadly diseases, and those most difficult to be understood … fall upon the brain.”

Epilepsy can be a very frightening experience for both your pet and you. With little warning your companion will start to shake, fall down and be unresponsive. Understanding what to do if this happens may prepare you to handle the situation better.

Epilepsy is one of the more common neurologic diseases in dogs. There are studies that estimate up to 4% of all dogs are affected. The repeated seizures are due to abnormal activity in the brain. Not all seizures are epilepsy, some can be caused by other problems in the body like heart disease where oxygen is deprived from the brain. If your pet has any seizures at all you should visit your vet to determine what the cause of the seizure is.


Roller Blinds – The Perfect Option For You And Your Pets

Decorating any house is a complicated procedure with many things to take into consideration. These complications increase hugely when the household also includes pets. Not only do the home-owners need to decide whether the items they are fitting look good; they also need to determine whether they pose a threat to their pets safety or whether the pets may be tempted to damage them when home alone.


Wordless Wednesday – Soldier

Submit your pet picture for inclusion here: Just Send an email to with the words Wordless Wednesday as the subject line. We’ll give you credit and link the photo to your…

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