A Winter Tail: Keeping Your Dog Healthy In Cold Weather
The great American poet Emily Dickinson once wrote, “Dogs are better than human beings because they know but do not tell.” The message is one every dog lover knows: dogs are wise…
The great American poet Emily Dickinson once wrote, “Dogs are better than human beings because they know but do not tell.” The message is one every dog lover knows: dogs are wise…
Natural disasters like tornadoes, hurricanes, fires and floods aren’t anything to joke about. They’re dangerous, fatal and can be quite terrifying. Our families’ safety during those tough times is extremely important, and…
By Dr. Will Novak
In mid-November, the Portland metro area saw snow which typically doesn’t happen before Thanksgiving. But forecasters have been telling us since summer to prepare for a long, hard winter. If the early snowfall is any indication, then we could see an extended period of freezing temperatures this winter.
Dogs, just as humans, can suffer from hypothermia. Their coats give them a layer of protection humans don’t have but if it’s cold enough and the dog spends enough time outdoors, freezing temperatures can have drastic effects.
It may be a common habit to open the back door for your dog so he can use the “bathroom” and then go back to what it was you were doing. Maybe in the summer you can let your dog roam around the backyard for a while but in the winter this isn’t a good idea. Take time to keep watch on your dog and then let her back in as soon as she is finished. Humans can generally handle mildly cold weather for long periods; however pets can handle the extremes better when they adjust to it slowly.
Right now in Mexico, thousands and thousands of dogs and cats roam the streets seeking food and shelter, most dealing with serious disease, starvation, heat exhaustion and eventually, death. In the past in San Felipe, if strays were caught they were electrocuted. Now, because of ZAPP, if caught strays are euthanized, it must be by sedation.
To further address the issue, ZAPP has officially opened a new facility in Mexico that has an open door policy. Officials that used to take strays straight to their death, now drop the animals at the ZAPP door where they receive treatment and more.
The 2009 Atlantic Hurricane Season begins June 1 and is expected to bring 12 named storms, with six of those becoming hurricanes. This annual prediction was made by the esteemed Colorado State University forecasting team, who also says there’s a 54 percent chance that at least one major hurricane will make landfall in the U.S.
Preparing your family to evacuate or take shelter against these unpredictable storms requires initial
I received a press release from the American Humane Association which I nearly filed in the “No Sh*t, Sherlock” file because are there really any animal lovers who would want to leave…
In the USA, Groundhog Day remains a quirky tradition where a groundhog is used to predict weather conditions for up to six weeks in advance. According to folklore, if a groundhog sees…
After a long and arduous dogfight of a custody battle, a canine victim of Hurricane Katrina is on his way back home to Louisiana. A New Jersey judge ruled, Thursday, that “Pluto” is the property of his original owner, Annabelle Arguello, and not the property of the couple, from Flemington, who later adopted the Great Dane after he had been left
by Michele Elward
As we find ourselves in the middle of winter, it’s important to pay particular attention to our pets when they’re outside. When temperatures get into the twenties and below, with whipping winds, pets can suffer serious health problems. Besides not leaving your dog, cat or other animal outside for too long, there are several other precautionary measures you can take to care for your loving pet
OK I’m not sure about where you live, but here in Ontario Canada, the weather has been record breaking hot. So with that theme in mind, I found a great article on protecting your pet from the damaging sun 🙂
You might think the most important bit of dog health advice would be to let your furry loved on spend all day enjoying the outdoors. But you’d only be