Browsing: pet adoption

Dogs woman and her dog far away on a beach

Saying Goodbye to a Friend

Although it’s a subject not many of us want to broach, our beloved canine companions aren’t going to be with us forever. The often overwhelming grief we feel when we do have…

Dogs family dog in the foreground in front of his family in the living room

A New Member of the Family

by Lauren Edwards

Adopting a dog to enhance your family unit is not a decision you should take lightly. You need to put as much careful planning into the adoption process as you would in buying a house, preparing for a baby or when organizing your wedding. Researching the right breed for your circumstances is of paramount importance, as unfortunately many prospective owners rush into the decision, often swayed by a new designer breed, without considering what the animal may be like.

It is a good idea before embarking on the dog adoption process that you evaluate how your life could fit around a dog and not how a dog could fit into your life. You need to calculate how long the dog may be left alone during the day if your family is at work or school, as more than four hours is not really acceptable. Furthermore, you need to decide if you can put aside time to exercise your new canine friend and whether you would be prepared to train it. Puppies will need training whether for toilet needs or for when you are walking them.

Dogs cute adopt a dog banner

October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month

For years and years Bob Barker said to all the viewers at the end of The Price is Right “Bob Barker reminding you to help control the pet population. Have your pet…

Dogs pretty mixed breed dog with his tongue hanging out

Tips for Adopting a Shelter Dog

So you have been thinking about adding man’s best friend to the family by adopting a shelter dog. While there are many benefits to owning a pet, there are also a lot…

Animal Rights adopt don't shop photo from jusani culture

“Stand Up. Stand Out.”

“I’ve always had a great love for animals, and will never forget my first experience when I went to adopt one. It wasn’t easy to choose, and wished to give them all…


January is Adopt A Rescued Bird Month

We hear so much about adopting a dog or cat but rarely hear about adopting a bird. Birds are wonderful pets that provide comfort, companionship and entertainment. In 2002, ASPCA declared that…


Consider the Cost of Adopting a Dog

by Jane Sanders
The joys of owning a dog can be tremendous, but there is a lot of responsibility that comes with ownership as well. From mental health, an increase owner life span to unconditional loyalty, man’s best friend really has a lot to offer. Still, adopting a dog can be a economically, as well as physically taxing endeavor. The costs associated with adopting can vary greatly, depending upon the shelter or breeder a person does business with. The most common form of adopting in the US is of shelter dogs, which are often rescued.

Cats cat laying on her back covering her eyes with her paws

Top 10 Mistakes Made by Cat Owners

This is a guest post from Rolan Tripp, DVM, CABC. Enjoy!! Nobody’s perfect and all of us could do better. I have put together below my opinion on the most common mistakes…