Get A Better Night’s Sleep By Letting Fido On The Bed!
There’s no denying the bond between dogs and humans, but it might surprise you to know that having your dog on the bed with you while you’re sleeping can actually provide you…
There’s no denying the bond between dogs and humans, but it might surprise you to know that having your dog on the bed with you while you’re sleeping can actually provide you…
As any parent will tell you, raising a child isn’t meant to be easy, and it’s something that takes a lot of work, patience, and love to get right. The same can be said for bringing a dog into your family, so when you’re trying to do both at the same time, it can turn into quite the challenge. Introducing a new dog to your toddler requires a bit of dedication to make sure things run smoothly, but if you’re willing to put in the work, your toddler and your new dog will make fast friends.
My son and I have a cat. Her name is Princess, aka Sugar Bear or Bear. She is part Himalayan and part Siamese. I was just thinking, I rarely, if at all have ever mentioned her and I really don?t know why. She is a huge part of our family and has been a great emotional support for me and Dakota. Which brings me to my next subject, emotional support
“Mom, can we get a puppy?”
Who hasn’t heard that line before? The kids think it’s time for an addition to the family, but you know you don?t have time for a family pet.
We’ve got the perfect solution to make everyone happy! Hermit Crabs!!
Now before you start to panic because you just heard the word crab, just listen! They’re not that bad. Trust me, I?ve had
As pets go, hamsters are fairly easy to take care of. Hamsters require no walking, and are not particularly dirty or stinky, they are small and don’t take up much space and…
“Can I have a puppy? Please, oh please, I’ll take care of it and look after it and everything.”
Just what do you say to your kids when they ask for a pet? It is perfectly true that growing up with a family pet can teach children responsibility and to develop their social skills. Also cultivating good feelings towards pet animals helps kids to develop
by Larry Chamberlain
Are cats and children a good mix?
So, you had a cat in the family when you were a kid. And you are thinking that the addition of a cat into your home would make a terrific family pet, and would give your children the pleasure of loving and caring for an animal.
Most likely you’d be right. But, just because you have nothing