Your Buddy For Life Can Be an African Grey
Parrots have always fascinated me. I remember when I was a child, we used to pay a visit to my aunt who had a pet parrot. The parrot was amusing and exceedingly…
Parrots have always fascinated me. I remember when I was a child, we used to pay a visit to my aunt who had a pet parrot. The parrot was amusing and exceedingly…
Parrots make great pets because they’re beautifully colored and have the unique ability to imitate human voices. Importantly, parrots are intelligent, which makes them sociable and affectionate companions that require stimulation beyond…
Adopting a pet parrot is a relationship like no other. Loving, intelligent and beautiful, it’s easy to see why these amazing feathered friends make the ideal pet. However, owning such a rewarding creature takes a great deal of time, care and commitment. If you owned reptiles, you wouldn’t leave them all day in vivariums, or dogs all day in kennels would you. So, why would it be any different with a parrot?
Parrots can live to 100 years of age!
Adopting parrots and leaving them all day in bird cages, can lead them to suffer from physical and emotional behavioural problems. Remember, parrots are extremely intelligent and as a result can become easily bored if neglected. The relationship between owner and bird is a special one and unlike any other domestic pet, can last an incredibly long time. Surprisingly, parrots can outlive their owners and reach a ripe old age of 100!
As a responsible and caring bird owner, the most important decision you’ll ever make is choosing the right sized cage for your feathered friend. It’s vital that you provide your companion with…
If you are thinking about getting a pet for yourself, or for your family, you should know that dogs and cats are not the only animals that make good pets. If you…
Beaks, Bills, Face Knives, Beakers – whatever we want to call them, they are an integral part of our Hookbills! So, let’s break the beak down into some understandable lessons:
A. Anatomy – What is a beak?
It is not “dead” material, like hair or fingernails – rather, it is a living organ, the tip of which contains a bundle of sensitive nerves. The beak itself consists of keratin