What Tricks Can Your Pet Do?
Sometimes I forget how smart dogs can actually be. The Seattle Times recently had a list of 101 dog tricks. My own dogs are great at #22: “Prewash dishes for dishwasher (just…
Devoted pet owner and now, devoted pet editor, Judi worked in traditional offices, keeping the books and the day-to-day operations organized. Taking her dog to work every day for over a decade never seemed odd. Neither did having an office cat. She knows what it's like to train a new puppy and she's experienced the heartache of losing beloved companions. Retired, she currently lives with her spoiled dog and four chickens (who are, interestingly enough, also spoiled).
Sometimes I forget how smart dogs can actually be. The Seattle Times recently had a list of 101 dog tricks. My own dogs are great at #22: “Prewash dishes for dishwasher (just…
As pets go, hamsters are fairly easy to take care of. Hamsters require no walking, and are not particularly dirty or stinky, they are small and don’t take up much space and…
by Jon Dunkerley
A long time ago, before evolution turned the primate into a businessman carrying a briefcase, the topic of ethical considerations concerning animals was as talked about as an episode of Barney at a dog trainer’s convention. Why is this? I believe that this is because nobody bothered to decide to give the issue any thought. And how could they? Back in the day of
It’s funny that our society’s obsession on weight control has now been forced on our furry pals. Even major pet food companies have jumped on the diet-food band-wagon. Is a diet food for your pet really necessary?
I think if we learn to feed our pets a responsible amount of food based on their requirements, and stop giving them table scraps, diet food is not needed. Throw in some
How can you recognize feline Urinary Tract Infections early on, to save your kitty needless pain, and damage to your home from her cat urine?
This article will outline the steps you can take to prevent kitty’s pain from feline Urinary Tract Infection and the damage done to your home from her urine.
Possibly the single biggest cause of cats not using the litter box is a medical
A friend of mine wrote this for school a couple years ago. It’s a bit technical, but there is some great info as well. I suggest a cup of coffee first….
Life Long Nutrition
by Jon Dunkerley
This article discusses two foods in particular. For the puppy stage, Eagle Pack Puppy food and for the adult stage, Royal Canine Labrador Retriever.
Puppy Nutrition
When deciding
Whether it be on a vacation to your favorite resort or just visiting the in-laws for the weekend, many people are choosing to take their dogs with them when traveling. Land or…
What Is Parvo
Parvo is a serious viral disease that can be deadly even if treatment is given. So, to protect your puppy from contracting pravo you need to have your puppy vaccinated against this disease.
First, let’s look at what Parvo is and what the symptoms are. Canine Parvovirus is a disease that attacks dividing cells. The most prominent location for dividing cells in your puppy’s body is
by Jon Dunkerley
Ok, so you have made the big decision to purchase a dog. Whether the decision was yours alone, or that of your kid?s, you being the voice of reason must determine the appropriate breed of dog that will be part of your family for the years to follow. Think of it as a trip to the grocery store. You have your absolute necessities, your health
The Importance of a Proper Correction
by Jon Dunkerley
There are headstrong dogs that know too well that a verbal “no” from you is the worst that they’re gonna get and this will quickly lead to them ignoring the handler. In the wild when one of the pack is out of line, he is corrected by the Alpha. Now if the dog knows what the correction is, then