Everybody knows that dogs are man’s best friend – in the US alone there are roughly 43.3 million dog owners. However, it can be quite difficult to find establishments that allow you to bring Fido with you, especially when it comes to restaurants or bars. But as long as your furry little pal is potty trained there are actually a surprising amount of places that allow you to bring your dog with you. It’s just a matter of knowing where to look.
Using the Internet to Your Advantage
If you’re having trouble tracking down establishments near you that allow you to bring dogs, one of the easiest ways to help you with this is to do a quick internet search. There are numerous websites that help you with this which makes the search require minimum effort. If you use social media it’s also common to find local groups to assist with finding dog friendly places, so be sure to give this a try too!
Are There Any Places Where I Shouldn’t Bring my Dog?
This can be a tricky question to answer, especially since each dog is unique. So for example bringing a dog that doesn’t handle crowds well to a place full of people might be something to avoid. If you don’t own a dog yet but want to get one, there are a few things you should consider and also if you get them used to socializing early they will stay used to it. However, as long as you think your pooch can handle it there are very few places where you shouldn’t bring them with you. Many people around the world even bring their dogs out with them to the local bar or pub, so in the end it really comes down to knowing if your dog can handle a night out with you.
Some Things to Keep in Mind
Depending on exactly where you are bringing your best friend, it can be a good idea to plan ahead and bring some items with you. For example if you are going to a restaurant or cafe, bring some of your dog’s favorite snacks from home, a small bowl and some water just in case you can’t find these things for your best friend once you’re out.
So bringing your dog with you when you go out for a couple of drinks or out to dinner is definitely something you can do. As long as you plan ahead and make sure you pick a place that allow both you and your dog to have fun. By combining the things mentioned above it should be fairly easy to find the right place and to make sure your dog has a good time too.