Browsing: Cats

quote from A Street Cat Named Bob: And How He Saved My Life

Tim Mollen’s London Broil Story

Tim Mollen (the humor columnist) left a comment on one of my PETSblogs pages and I didn’t want it to be buried where he’d left it – so I’m featuring it here today…

Here’s what Tim said:
I enjoy your PETSblog, and thought you and your readers might enjoy a humor column I wrote about a dog and cat in cahoots to commit the culinary crime of the

Safe Sex is One Trick Dogs Can’t Learn

I happened upon a story over at CNN about Sips for Snips, an event that was held to help raise funds for necessary equipment to fill a second operating room at Greenville’s Humane Society. In CNN’s words, the “racy promotional pet campaign pushes ‘safe sex’ to help eliminate animal overpopulation.”

The ads (and commercial) are pretty entertaining and it’s definitely an interesting twist the usual “spay and

Why Does My Cat Bite My Hand When I Stroke Her?

by Larry Chamberlain

You have settled into your favorite armchair, perhaps reading the final chapters of a gripping novel. Suddenly you are aware of the imploring stare of your cat sitting at your feet. You invite her onto your lap. Gently you begin to stroke her and your cat signals her appreciation with an audible purr.

One hand holding your book the other hand continuing to pet your

Tabby Cats And Other Colors Of Cats

Patterns are a mixture of colors in a definite arrangement. The six fundamental types of coat patterns present in cats with some differences are Tabby, Tortoiseshell, Solid, Bicolor, Colorpoint and Tricolor.

1. Tabby: This coat pattern is the most widespread found naturally and is present in four varieties: blotched (marbled), striped (mackerel), ticked (agouti) and spotted.

2. Tortoiseshell: An unswerving blend of black and orange or thinned

Imagine Your Cat Using The Toilet – Successful Cat Toilet Training Techniques

by Birgit Hulsing

This may sound ridiculous or like a near-impossible feat, but you’ll find life is a pleasant new world when you finish potty training your cat. You’ll have a very low-maintenance cat and she will also make a great conversation starter. And, you even save money on cat litter when you are done with potty training. If you want more detailed information than you’ll find here on

AlleyCat Allies Urges Action to Save the Cats of Cape May

Local Officials Resist “Bullying” by Federal Agency

CAPE MAY, N.J.— The City of Cape May, N.J. has been pressured by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to abolish its successful 12-year-old Trap-Neuter-Return program for outdoor cats, despite resistance from the city’s mayor, several city council members and many residents.

“If the federal government is allowed to overrule local support for Trap-Neuter-Return, most of the cats in Cape May

Toody and the Jewelry Box

Some years ago my eight year old daughter begged to adopt a cat. One Saturday morning we drove thirty miles to the nearest animal rescue center and toured the cat enclosures for a suitable feline candidate.

We must have looked at sixty cats and not one of them appealed to my daughter. Then, the keeper asked if we would be prepared to spend some time nursing a sick cat

Twas the Night Before Christmas at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

by Nola Kelsey

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through Best Friends,
Not a creature was stirring, except a few hens;
The stockings were hung way up high in the air,
In hopes that no goat kids would give them a tear;

The cats each were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of families danced in their heads;
And dogs in their lodge runs

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