Tim Mollen (the humor columnist) left a comment on one of my PETSblogs pages and I didn’t want it to be buried where he’d left it – so I’m featuring it here today…
Here’s what Tim said:
I enjoy your PETSblog, and thought you and your readers might enjoy a humor column I wrote about a dog and cat in cahoots to commit the culinary crime of the century:
London Broil is Falling Down“Lost Journal” is a syndicated, weekly newspaper column in which I choose a day from my past and write about it as though it was today. Thanks for listening, and have a great week!
Tim Mollen
The original caper took place on September 24th in 1979 (when Tim was 10).
OMG, I’m older than Tim!
It’s a great story, so much so that I’ve killed another 30 minutes this morning looking around at the rest of Tim’s “Lost Journal.” Be sure you check it out, too.
And thanks, Tim!
My name is Kristin Smith. I am a television news reporter, animal shelter volunteer, vet tech, and a dog rescuer.
In my travels as a reporter, I have seen so many abandoned, neglected, and abused animals and have rescued them whenever possible. I have gone on to find them forever homes.
I have now created a tool everyone can use in finding the right pet for the right owner. At the same time, it will hopefully lessen the burden on shelters and rescues.
This tool is called http://www.spotapup.com, and the mission is simple: by matching the right dog with the right person, we hope to keep dogs from becoming homeless, and winding up in shelters.
This website is simply a way of helping to determine which pet is the most appropriate match for your particular family and environment. It also tells you where the closest shelter with that breed of dog can be found.
Check it out!
I checked it out and it’s really cool!
The site is nice to look at, it’s full of information about breeds and it’s easy to use. If you’re looking for a dog, the ‘Find My Dog’ search page is fantastic. You choose size, activity level, trainability, grooming requirements, behavior and note your living situation (you know… apartment vs. 100-acre farm).
Thank you, Kristin!