Monthly Archives: December, 2005

Dogs dog, cat, two birds, and three fish

Mixed Breed Makes Mark in Online Dog Show

45,000 people voted in an online competition to place Tillie, a dachshund-cocker mix, as Best in Show in the NPB and Purina co-sponsored Dog Show USA. “This is a classic Cinderella story,”…


Alarm Clock Kitty, How to Stop Early Morning Meowing

Meow! Meow! Meow! I bury my head underneath my pillow. Meow! Meow!

Meoooooow! The high pitched meowing persists and penetrates through my feather stuffed shield. Meow! Meow! Meow! My eyes open only with the greatest of efforts. Grudgingly, I drag myself out of my warm bed and look at the clock; 3:47 am. I reach over to the night-stand and turn on the light, pain is the result, the


Cold Weather Pet Care

by Michele Elward

As we find ourselves in the middle of winter, it’s important to pay particular attention to our pets when they’re outside. When temperatures get into the twenties and below, with whipping winds, pets can suffer serious health problems. Besides not leaving your dog, cat or other animal outside for too long, there are several other precautionary measures you can take to care for your loving pet