Monthly Archives: May, 2007


Animal Noses – What Do They Do?

In our world sight and hearing are far more important to us than our sense of smell.

Granted the smell of fresh baked bread or a steak cooking on the grill can make us weak in the knees, but on the whole, smell is really not the most important thing in our lives.

In the lives of our cats and dogs smell is extremely important. A blind or

More Pets & Animals

Hamster Care And Why Hamsters Make Great Pets

by P Anderson

Hamsters are one of the most popular pets in the world, and are definitely the most popular pet from the rodent family. Hamsters make great pets for people of all ages because of their cleanliness and cuteness, and hamsters are also relatively inexpensive and easy to take care of. A hamster usually makes an ideal pet for children and helps teach responsibility. The average lifespan of


Fancy Guppies Make Colorful Pets For Your Aquarium

by Lee Dobbins

As with many animal species, the male Fancy Guppies are more beautiful than the female Fancy Guppies. Males come in a large variety of bright colors, like red, gold, black, blue and green- while females tend to only have gray or tan colors. These fish look most beautiful in aquariums when you have several of them to swim together.

Fancy Guppies like warmer aquarium waters

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Ahhh, Pets – Gotta Love ‘Em

I used to be strictly a dog person. We always had dogs or puppies running around our house when I was a kid. We never had any cats or kittens. So as…