Monthly Archives: August, 2011

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Weekly Tweets 2011-08-30

Stem cells being used to help pets # Really?! – Plastic surgery for your pet? # Didja know: If you took your dog in to get neutered, you can fill…

General Science Diet Gift Basket

Science Diet CatAge Quiz Giveaway

We all may know the calendar age of our feline companion but have you every wondered how old your cat really feels? Cats are known to live very long lives….21 years or…

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Weekly Tweets 2011-08-23

ASPCA Helps Care for 500+ Pets After North Dakota Flooding # Cute animal photos . . . # Tips for training a well-mannered dog #cnn # Cool Story -…

Books A Dog's Purpose Cover Art

A Dog’s Purpose

Have you ever wondered what life would be like from a dog’s perspective? Every now and then I may have wondered “what in the world was she thinking” when my furry friend did something really naughty. But I must admit I’ve never really pondered about the way she viewed the world and the events around her for any real length of time.

My eyes were opened wide to that precise concept after reading A Dog’s Purpose written by W. Bruce Cameron. His is a heartwarming story of a dog who is reborn several times. Each new life offers a detailed view of what a dog’s life would be like in different circumstances. From the heart wrenching life of a stray puppy captured by an individual who truly cares about strays, to a fun and happy life with an 8-year-old child, then on to being a heroic search and rescue dog, and finally as a black lab that combined all his talents from previous lives to fulfill his purpose in life.

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