Monthly Archives: April, 2012


Reasons Why Kids Need Dogs

There are several reasons why owning a dog can improve the overall disposition and attitude of a child. Compassion and Love: Your child’s dog will sit lovingly at their side with their…


True Life

Here is a great opportunity for the younger generation to tell their story to MTV Networks True Life. They are currently looking for young people to share, in their own words, true…

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday – Lolly

Submit your pet picture for inclusion here: Just Send an email to with the words Wordless Wednesday as the subject line. We’ll give you credit and link the photo to your…

Animal Rights Confessions of a Hoarder on Animal Planet

Animal Hoarding

Animal hoarding is a devastating plight not only for the animal but also the hoarder. Gary Patronek, director of the Center for Animals and Public Policy at Tufts University, defines hoarding as…

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday – Kaiser

Submit your pet picture for inclusion here: Just Send an email to with the words Wordless Wednesday as the subject line. We’ll give you credit and link the photo to your…

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