*~Dedicated to those who work in shelters & for all who have ever reached out to help a stray~*
Beyond a shimmering mist is another special land
A place that God created with the brush of His hand
A sun-washed valley, with grass-covered hills
Filled with joy for us, for before the “Great Until”
This place is for we who had no human kin
and those who did, but were abused–discarded on a whim
When we lay hurt, dying and helpless on the roadside
someone stopped, cradled us tenderly, and cried
We may have been in pounds when they held us close and dear
and as our vision dimmed, they softly whispered away our fear
There was no chance to share our hearts with them on Earth
And no time to show them what their love for us was worth
Now we can give our all to them for we have all of time to fill
So here we abide, a waiting, until the “Great Until”
Our hearts will be near bursting, from here our heavenly post
Until they stride through the mist, so that we may greet . . .
The ones who loved us most
Copyright © 2006 Kathy Pippig Harris
Kathy lives in Central California’s San Joaquin Valley with her husband and furry family. She is a weekly columnist for the publication “Frank Talk” and a published author of five novels. She states, “Were it not for her need, desire, and love of writing — she would surely go mad!”