- 10 Common Mistakes That Pet Owners Make http://8h8bh.th8.us #
- reading about smart animals http://www.toponlinecolleges.com/blog/2010/20-smartest-animals-in-the-world/ #
- Taking advantage of "SHOPEARLY" 15% off coupon at PersonalizationMall – http://bit.ly/dwXcEV #
- Love dogs? Check out the really cute Santa's Little Helper© Cards & Envelopes – http://bit.ly/bNsGrw #
- Afghan hero dog put down by mistake http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/11/18/3069896.htm?section=world @abcnews #
- Lily's Kitchen – A Restaurant for Dogs in London | Oddity Central – Collecting Oddities http://bit.ly/cdy8Hr #
- After reading about Lily's Kitchen, we're looking 4 restaurants 4 dogs in the US. Not dog friendly, but FOR dogs. Just how popular r they? #
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