Photo courtesy of Sandra Jean Davenport
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Photo courtesy of Sandra Jean Davenport
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I had just lost my 8 year old yellow lab Candie to cancer. I was at work feeling really lonely. I live in New York and my sister lives in VA. She kept sending me pictures of dogs on line through Petfinder. While working one day she sent me a picture of this dog with such big eyes that said someone needs to understand me. She went on her lunch hour to the Pet Shelter that the dog was at since it was right near where she worked. She thought I would love the dog and told them we were interested but the Shelter was prepared to send Kingston away for training since 5 people had taken him and brought him back. The shelter said people said who adopted him needed to increase their home owners insurance. My sister was persistent and said we really wanted the dog. She even took in her Old English Sheep Dog and Retreiver to show she could handle large dogs. They final let her have Kingston for me if she signed a paper she would not bring him back. Well my sister had him for three weeks until I could meet her half way since we had 500 miles between us. My first site of Kingston and I was in love! He is the best dog and loves his new home. He just needed a safe large yard to run in and we have two aches of invisible fencing. Kington learned in one day the rules of the invisible fencing and he then learned very quick what manners he needed when in doors and playing with people. He has his own toy box and knows he plays only with his stuff. I believe when he was rescued he had not been with people much and did not know to play with people is different then with another dog. Kingston is a Giant Schnauzer – Standard Poodle mix and is like a big bear and so loving. I would never have found him without the service of Petfinder. LOVE PETFINDER.COM
Cud someone please hit that snooze alarm!
What a great story, Sandy. Kingston is very adorable, and I bet he feels just as lucky to have you as you do about having him. Very nice to know that there are people like you providing loving homes to such derserving dogs.