Author PetsBlogs

Devoted pet owner and now, devoted pet editor, Judi worked in traditional offices, keeping the books and the day-to-day operations organized. Taking her dog to work every day for over a decade never seemed odd. Neither did having an office cat. She knows what it's like to train a new puppy and she's experienced the heartache of losing beloved companions. Retired, she currently lives with her spoiled dog and four chickens (who are, interestingly enough, also spoiled).


Love Your Animal Companion, then Spay or Neuter!

Ozzie, my four-month old Rottweiler peered up at me with his big brown eyes, as I temporarily left him for a very important surgical procedure. As much as it broke my heart to drop off my “baby” at the local humane society, I know it was the responsible thing to do.

What Ozzie doesn’t know is that today is the first day of the rest of his life. He

Health & Safety

Probiotics – The Good Bacteria

by Deena Caruso

Does your pet have digestion problems, diarrhea, skin problems, food intolerances, or other chronic health problems? Supplement with a high quality pet probiotic to restore your pet’s healthy gut, and chances are you’ll improve your pet’s health.

A probiotic, sometimes referred to as good or friendly bacteria, is a microorganism necessary for a healthy and balanced intestinal tract. There are two types of bacteria found


5 Tips To Selecting A Great Dog Gift

by Teresa James

You can have lots of fun selecting a dog gift for someone who absolutely adores dogs. And you’ll be happy to know that no matter what size budget your working with there are lots and lots of wonderful gift ideas to choose from. In fact you may have so many great choices that you could easily become overwhelmed.

So let’s start by learning how to


How to Breed Tetra Fish Successfully

by Linda Jenkinson

If you are keeping tetras, chances are you are breeding tetras, even if unknowingly. In the wild, tetras normally breed during the rainy season, but in the aquarium, they may breed year round. Female tetras are egg-scatters that typically fill with eggs every ten to fourteen days.

The female tetra indiscriminately sprays her eggs into clumps of fine-leaved plants. The eggs are adhesive and stick


Lyme Disease In Dogs

by Niall Kennedy

It is hard to get an early diagnosis of Lyme disease in animals including your own dog. The first sign of Lyme disease in humans is a rash, well; animals do not develop this rash. Lyme disease is also not one of the first illnesses that the veterinarian looks for when you take your dog in for a visit. Many other common illnesses can produce some


Some Tips For Buying A Horse Online

More and more folks are looking to the Internet to find their next cat, dog or horse. While this offers a convenient solution and broader selection outside of ones locality, it can be fraught with unseen expenses and potential heartache. It seems inevitable that buying horses online will become more the norm than the exception as the Internet grows. With that in mind, following is a short list of what


Tank Requirement for Discus Fish

For Discus fish, there are 2 consideration in tanks – tank depth and volume. Because of their size and swimming habits, a minimum of 18″ is needed for tank depth, the deeper the better. Regarding volume, a good rule of thumb is that each adult discus will need 10 gallons of water. Larger tanks will also give more stable water conditions, and taking into account other considerations the minimum size


Proper Saddle Fit

In compiling some information on achieving a proper fit to the horse when purchasing a saddle I came across several “Rules of Thumb” to bear in mind. There’s a wealth of information available on the subject of saddle fitting, some of it contradictory. It’s easy for the first time (or even second time) saddle buyer to get confused . The following Rules of Thumb are designed to help a prospective

Animal Rights

What is Animal Deathing?

Found this to be a pretty interesting article. It’s a bit different, but that’s what opinions are supposed to be…

What happens when we die? In our society, death is often hidden away. Rarely are we present for the passing of a loved one, a major exception being our animal family members.

Echo, my horse of 22 years, took her time dying, even with the help of euthanasia

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