The Rise of the Cat Widower
There’s a reason why people talk about ‘crazy cat ladies’ and not ‘crazy cat men’ and it’s probably due to the fact that women tend to find it easier to show their…
Michael is an animal lover, currently the owner of one rescue centre cat called Satch. He is a freelance writer, writing on behalf of MORE TH>N. These are his own thoughts and do not represent the views of MORE TH>N.
There’s a reason why people talk about ‘crazy cat ladies’ and not ‘crazy cat men’ and it’s probably due to the fact that women tend to find it easier to show their…
The pets of the powerful hold a certain fascination for us. Here’s a list of the good, the bad, and the ugly (and their pets). Margaret Thatcher’s Cat Humphrey Humphrey wandered into…
Many of us regard our pets as an extended member of the family and, as a result, like to take them with us on days out or even longer periods away from…
Whether you’re a pet owner, or just pet-curious, you might be wondering whether robot pets can ever be as good as the real thing. Every year, a new ‘fake fluffy’ seems to…