Browsing: Dogs

All about dogs and the people who love ’em. Most of the contributors here have dogs and we’re happy to share our experiences – good and bad – in hopes of helping other dog owners have the best possible relationship they can have with their canine companions.

Animal Rights
The Other Side of the Pet Store Window

Every time I see a shopping mall pet store, I wish I could stand in front of it and show the passersby an elderly Chihuahua named Sophia. Sophia is the reason no one should ever buy an animal from a pet store. Like most dogs for sale in stores, she came from a puppy mill…

When I first met Sophia, I didn’t think she would ever get over

How Does Your Pet Speak to You

I’ll bet that every single one of us who has a pet, has carried on a conversation with our animal at one time or another. The question here, however, is how many of us understand what our pets are saying?

Granted some of our pet’s requests are fairly obvious and we understand them, but many times we do not have a clue, and this is where the trouble starts

Cats cat and dog sitting on the window seat
Getting a Good Pet Sitter

What should I do if I am leaving town and need a place to keep my dog?

If you are going away for a while, it is imperative that your dog is taken care of. Dog day care is something you should look into as well as a dog kennel. Boarding your dog is a great idea because the caretakers will treat your dog well, as they are educated

Giving Your Pets Pills

For many pet owners when it comes time to give your animals medication, whether it be a monthly worming tablet or other pill recommended by a vet, just the thought of knowing the troubles to come can be enough to start you worrying.

For some lucky dog an cat owners though there is no problem at all, they can simply hold the tablet out and their pet will happily

Celebrity Pets – Pet Supplies for the Rich and Famous

Life is good for most celebrity’s pets. It seems to be a fad these days to flaunt your pet in public if you’re a celebrity. The most popular is the canine. I am not sure who was the very first person to start it, but it definitely caught on like wild fire. A movie in Hollywood that definitely influenced this trend was Legally Blonde. Reese Witherspoon’s dog Bruiser in the

Birds microphone, headphones, and portable radio background with the all pets radio logo
Why The World Needs Pets

by Bill Clanton

They won’t hold a grudge. They won’t leave you for someone else. They know how to show their affection. They even know your feelings better than you do. Who are “they”? Well “they” go by many names, but most of the world just calls them “Pets”. Pets are wondrous creatures whose powers go beyond that of spiritual or magical. Perhaps that power is what the world

Animal Rights sweet little puppy with sad eyes
The “u” in Humane is You

Five Things You Can Do to Help Companion Animals in Distress

Chances are that when you look around your home, you see one or more four-legged creatures gazing patiently back at you: dogs and cats. Recent pet industry statistics show that over 63% of American homes keep pets, and that over 40% of pet-owners think of their pets as highly-valued members of the family. People of all ages, colors

When Is A Trick Not A Trick?

Teaching any trick to a dog is relatively easy if you break the trick down into the separate steps or components that the dog must know, then methodically go about making sure that the dog knows each component. For example, in the “play dead” trick; the sequence of behavior that the dog must know for this common trick is in this order: the “sit”, the “down”, the “roll-over” and the

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