Monthly Archives: June, 2018

Cats woman outside her RV with her dog

Taking Your Pets On A Family Road Trip

Vacation season is here at last, and across America, nine million RV owners are getting ready to hit the open road. The great thing about an RV vacation is that there is…

Dogs Adam Pally as Dax with Charlie the Dog in DOG DAYS movie

DOG DAYS in August

It should come as no surprise that I adore books and movies that are all about animals, feature animals, or are centered around animals. When I was little, that included reading books…

Dogs decoding your dog banner

Decoding Your Dog (Infographic)

As all dog owners know, each and every dog has a personality completely unique to them. While dogs can’t talk (thank goodness, right!), they can still speak volumes without the ability to…

Dogs dog laying on rocks in front of blue lake and beautiful mountains

Want to Turn Your Dog Into A Pioneer Pet?

There’s a normal pet, and then there’s a pet pioneer. You may be curious as to what exactly “pioneer pets” are, as you may never have heard the term before. defines…

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