Adulterated Animal Feed Seized
Filthy conditions, failure to correct violations prompted action at Kentucky facility. At the request of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. marshals today seized livestock and horse feeds stored under filthy…
Filthy conditions, failure to correct violations prompted action at Kentucky facility. At the request of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. marshals today seized livestock and horse feeds stored under filthy…
Rachael Ray’s got a contest! You have until 11:30 PM (PT) on July 30, 2009 to share your “paw-spective.” She knows all about “Puppy Love” and understands that you want what’s best…
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Matt J. Whitworth, Acting United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri, announced that a Nevada company and its owners pleaded guilty in federal court today to distributing a tainted ingredient used to make pet food, which resulted in a nationwide recall of pet food and the death and serious illness of countless pets
by K.C. Jones
Is your dog’s itchy skin driving you crazy with the constant scratching? Does your dog have gas that can clear a room, too? Have you ever thought there might be a connection between the non-stop scratching and foul odors filling your home?
Dog gas is essentially your dog eliminating toxins from his body. When the digestive system is unable to process and utilize nutrients, noxious
by Jane Dinunzio
Have you ever wondered why your dog’s breath or body has that distinctive “doggie smell?” It is generally caused by your dog ingesting chemicals and preservatives, rather then an all natural homemade dog food diet. Just by changing your dog’s diet, you will likely see a much healthier, more energetic and less odorous dog. I see and smell it for myself in my two Labradors
We’re all concerned that we do what’s best for our pets when it comes to buying food, right?! But sometimes it seems that the “best” dog food is simply unaffordable. So it’s nice to see that Consumer Reports has done some research and is featuring a report in the March 2009 issue of their print magazine.
While I’ll be looking forward to the reading the article when it arrives
Nat Geo’s had some really great shows on lately and the fun for animal lovers continues this Sunday (January 4th) from 8pm to 10pm ET. I’ve actually already previewed an advanced screening copy of In the Womb: Dogs. I haven’t yet watched the complimentary copy of In the Womb: Cats — but I have high expectations because the state-of-the-art visual effects and real-time 4-D ultrasound imagery used in the dog
A poll commissioned by the Wellness(R) brand of natural pet food finds
few understand the ingredients on pet food labels.
For our pets to be as healthy as they can be, remember; just like people, they are what they eat. Wellness(R) Natural Pet Food says pick up the bag and read the ingredient label. With Wellness you’ll see lean meats like deboned chicken, whole grains, and a rainbow of
by Johnny Summerton
She first came to our attention after we had visited a local show at the village hall organised by a nearby refuge for abandoned dogs and cats.
At the ripe old age of eight Poppy, we were told, had been “rescued” from owners who had over time collected more than 30 dogs, many the result of
It may seem difficult these days to choose a pet food for your pet. The varieties are endless and the labels are not only confusing, but they can be misleading. If you know how pet food labels work, you can make a more educated buying decision the next time you shop for pet food.
Pet food labels have an information panel and a main display panel. The main