Browsing: Cats

quote from A Street Cat Named Bob: And How He Saved My Life

Cats cat sitting in the window behind the window blinds
Blind Cat Bandit

My cat has a love/hate relationship with the blinds in my house. Some background information: “Crumbs” has been with me for the last nine years; he’s a particularly large (and…

Cats a dog and a child
Having a Pet Instead of a Child

Editor’s Note: Okay, this is a bit crazy, but a creative comparison, so we’re going to share Sandy’s article here… by Sandy Sterling Some people just have this urge inside…

Animal Rights Confessions of a Hoarder on Animal Planet
Animal Hoarding

Animal hoarding is a devastating plight not only for the animal but also the hoarder. Gary Patronek, director of the Center for Animals and Public Policy at Tufts University, defines…

Cats dog in a santa hat
Holiday Pet Safety Tips

Carol Kuzdek The holidays are a time to gather with family and friends and celebrate. But did you know the holidays pose a number of threats to your pets? As…

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