People everywhere are animal lovers. Whether they have a favorite pet or they just love all animals, if they love them then they probably also love to see pictures of them. When someone sees their pet on the internet they get a renewed feeling of pride about their pet. They want to show their friends and family that someone else thought enough about their pets to take the time to
Browsing: General

What should I do if I am leaving town and need a place to keep my dog?
If you are going away for a while, it is imperative that your dog is taken care of. Dog day care is something you should look into as well as a dog kennel. Boarding your dog is a great idea because the caretakers will treat your dog well, as they are educated
If you have just picked up a camera for the first time, or have been taking pictures for years, the information contained in this guide will ensure that you do…
*~Dedicated to those who work in shelters & for all who have ever reached out to help a stray~*
Beyond a shimmering mist is another special land
A place that God created with the brush of His hand
A sun-washed valley, with grass-covered hills
Filled with joy for us, for before the “Great Until”
This place is for we who had no human kin
and those who
How to Photograph Your Pet Like a Professional (from Vincent Strangio) . . . Being that I photograph pets (and only pets – no humans) for a living I am…
Did You Know…
- Dog feces are one of the most common sources of waterborne bacterial disease, giardia, hookworms, parvovirus, roundworms (ascarids), and whipworms.
- A single gram of dog feces contains an average of 23 million fecal coliform bacteria, some of which can cause disease in humans.
- Children run the greatest risk of infection because they’re prone to play in the dirt and then put
A “prescription for problems” is how lawyer, Kenneth Mollins of Melville, described PETCO’s policy of allowing pets to come into the store and “shop” with their owners. He has recently been retained by Diane Christian, mother of 5 year old Danielle, who was recently bitten in the face by a “shopping” Rottweiler. So far, the young girl has undergone a four-hour surgery to reattach her upper lip and has more
by Sandra Yvonne Duke
Keep an eye on your clean products for your pets sake.
Cleaning products, foods, plants, and other common household chemicals can be poisonous to your dog.
Cleaning products.
All cleaning products should be kept out of reach of pets, but some can be accessed in ways you might not think about. Few people know it, but dish soap is poisonous to people and pets
by Michele Elward
As we find ourselves in the middle of winter, it’s important to pay particular attention to our pets when they’re outside. When temperatures get into the twenties and below, with whipping winds, pets can suffer serious health problems. Besides not leaving your dog, cat or other animal outside for too long, there are several other precautionary measures you can take to care for your loving pet

Whether it be on a vacation to your favorite resort or just visiting the in-laws for the weekend, many people are choosing to take their dogs with them when traveling.…