Monthly Archives: October, 2009

Contests dog, cat, two birds, and three fish

$5,000 To Be Awarded For Best Amateur TV Commercial

Get out your cell phones, video camera, film gear or DVD equipment and prepare to produce your first television commercial in a “dog-eat-dog” competition. A $5,000 first prize will be presented to the individual with the best/most popular TV ad promoting the 2009 AKC/Eukanuba National Championship to be held in Long Beach, Calif. December 12 & 13. The top five finalists (four $1,000 runners up prizes also will be awarded) will be honored and their commercials shown during the two-day event, which is expected to draw more than 25,000 attendees.


Alternatives To The Dreaded Elizabethan Collar

by Jennifer Martiny

“Forsooth and alack, ’tis an awkward plight . . .” muttered Will, the English Mastiff as he tried to maneuver through the doorway and into the lobby after being stitched up. The difficulty caused by the slight sway and stagger from the anesthesia that hadn’t quite worn off was exacerbated by the giant plastic cone — Elizabethan collar — that encircled his head like a . . . well, like an Elizabethan collar.

Dogs two pound puppies as first foster pets

Get Ready to Foster a Pet (My Experience)

Connie Janzen shares her experience fostering dogs here in hopes of inspiring and encouraging others to consider being fosters . . . pound pups; my first fosters! “What if it’s too hard…


Dog Whisperer Premieres Tonight at 9pm EST

It’s Puppy Time!
From a bundle of love to full-grown canine, Cesar shows how to raise the perfect dog.

(WASHINGTON, D.C. — SEPTEMBER 16, 2009) In five seasons and more than 100 episodes, Cesar has seen every canine case imaginable — red-zone aggression, fearful anxiety and just plain weird. But never before has he shown viewers how they can avoid these problems from the very start!

Animal Rights

Desperate Dogs on Rescue Ink Unleashed – Tonight at 10

When you have pets, you need to take care of them by giving them love, attention, medical care and of course making sure that they are fed. Unfortunately, some people can’t seem to understand how important this responsibility really is. In tonight’s episode, the Rescue Ink team takes on some pretty “Desperate Dogs” and their owners to make sure the pets are well taken care of.