Monthly Archives: September, 2011

Dogs pair of huskies

Dogs Teach Us What Really Matters

by Dr. Tim Hunt, DVM Most everything I have learned that is really important about life I learned from a dog. It sounds corny, but it’s true. They give back so much.…

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Weekly Tweets 2011-09-27

Cruelty Alert from ASPCA; Dogs in Pickup Trucks # Attn cat owners – Be sure to enter our Science Diet CatAge Quiz Giveaway! # @shihtzusisters We have added your great…

Animal Rights new unsaid book cover


Unsaid, a novel written by Neil Abramson, beautifully examines the relationships between humans and animals, between heaven and earth, between husband and wife . . . whether you accept the depth of…


The Importance of Looking After Your Pet’s Muscles and Joints

Shockingly, one out of every seven dogs is badly affected by arthritis. The painful condition affects the joints and surrounding cartilage and can arise in a dog’s, hips, elbows, shoulders and spine. Just like the joints in a human body, dogs rely heavily on them to freely move their limbs. Without movable joints animals and humans would be inflexible and find ordinary movements such as walking, running, sitting and jumping almost impossible to do.

With this in mind it’s vital for any caring owner to understand the importance of looking after the joints of their pet as if it were their own body.

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