Author PetsBlogs

Devoted pet owner and now, devoted pet editor, Judi worked in traditional offices, keeping the books and the day-to-day operations organized. Taking her dog to work every day for over a decade never seemed odd. Neither did having an office cat. She knows what it's like to train a new puppy and she's experienced the heartache of losing beloved companions. Retired, she currently lives with her spoiled dog and four chickens (who are, interestingly enough, also spoiled).

Animal Rights

The “u” in Humane is You

Five Things You Can Do to Help Companion Animals in Distress

Chances are that when you look around your home, you see one or more four-legged creatures gazing patiently back at you: dogs and cats. Recent pet industry statistics show that over 63% of American homes keep pets, and that over 40% of pet-owners think of their pets as highly-valued members of the family. People of all ages, colors


When Is A Trick Not A Trick?

Teaching any trick to a dog is relatively easy if you break the trick down into the separate steps or components that the dog must know, then methodically go about making sure that the dog knows each component. For example, in the “play dead” trick; the sequence of behavior that the dog must know for this common trick is in this order: the “sit”, the “down”, the “roll-over” and the


The Great Until

*~Dedicated to those who work in shelters & for all who have ever reached out to help a stray~*

Beyond a shimmering mist is another special land
A place that God created with the brush of His hand

A sun-washed valley, with grass-covered hills
Filled with joy for us, for before the “Great Until”

This place is for we who had no human kin
and those who


Avoiding Thanksgiving Holiday Hazards for Your Pet

by David Brooks

Thanksgiving is this week, and the rest of the holiday season is fast approaching. It’s a busy time for all of us, but it is very important to make sure that your pet is kept safe from any danger.

At this time every year it is important to remind pet owners of the most common holiday hazards for pets. These include feeding problems, foreign-body ingestion


Everything You Need To Know About Pugs

Pugs are one of the best breeds of dogs that exist on the planet. Why? Because I own one! Seriously now though, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about pugs and hopefully give you some reasons for buying one.

The First Great Reason For Owning A Pug

If you were wondering which breed of dog has the best personality, then yep, you guessed


Pet Photographer Shares Tips

How to Photograph Your Pet Like a Professional (from Vincent Strangio) . . . Being that I photograph pets (and only pets – no humans) for a living I am always being…



by Kenneth C. Hoffman

Through the years, anyone who had a cat for a pet knows that they can keep you in stitches with the antics they perform. Here are a few amusing anecdotes I have collected.

Mushi lived in Germany during World War II and even though she was well loved, food was hard to come by. Table scraps, sausage casings and an occasional fish head was


Peculiarities in Breeding Canaries

Greencolander CanaryIncubation
After the time of incubation, which proceeds for 13 – 14 days, the baby – birds start hatching. The knock the shell from inside with the help of “the egg – tooth,” which is a small chalk tentacle on the upper side of the beak and with its help baby birds manage to make a hole, which they broaden gradually. At last


The Rottweiler, Guardian and Protector

RottweilerThe Rottweiler is a breed whose history is somewhat shrouded. One theory has it that the ancestors of the breed were the dogs which were brought to Europe as War Dogs by the legions of Rome and some were left behind as the Legionnaires marched onwards. In any case, in the city of Rottweiler, a flourishing commercial and agricultural marketplace in southern Germany, for


Maltese Magic

cute maltese dog When our son announced that he was moving back home to further his education, and that he was bringing P.J., his Maltese with him, my husband and I were somewhat apprehensive to say the least. First of all, we had never even seen a Maltese, and weren’t entirely sure that we even wanted to. Secondly, we thoroughly enjoyed our life as

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