Monthly Archives: June, 2012

Cats beautiful, fierce, stoic cat in black and white

How to Strengthen Your Cat’s Immunity

Most people don’t think of a cat as a four-legged war machine. A feline that is napping on a soft blanket, playfully pouncing on its favorite toy or rubbing up against his/her…

Fish setting up and maintaining a happy tropical fish tank

Beginners Guide to Tropical Fish

by Sarah Baxter Keeping tropical fish has been popular since the time of the Roman empire – so it’s no wonder that Aquarium Technology is as advanced as it is today. However,…

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday – Stella

Submit your pet picture for inclusion here: Just Send an email to with the words Wordless Wednesday as the subject line. We’ll give you credit and link the photo to your…

Health & Safety

Beware of Pet Drug Fraud

Having a pet and taking care of them properly can be time consuming and expensive. We all want our furry friends to remain healthy and happy.

One way we can cut corners is purchasing prescriptions online. However this may not be the way to save. You may end up saving money and losing your companion. Economic times are hard and we will be tempted to find where costs can be reduced. If you do decide to take this route do so with extreme caution.

The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) which was founded in 1904, is the impartial professional organization that supports the state boards of pharmacy in protecting public health. They have some great information for you to consider before popping that “cheap” pill in your pets mouth.

Dogs young girl and her dog

Diabetes Service Dogs Can Save Lives

When five-year-old Peter arrived at Sunday school with a dog, I was taken aback. The sleek Yellow Lab nuzzled the boy, who joyously hugged the neck of the dog, and while this…

Dogs mixed breed black dog face

Designer Dogs

Back in the early eighties I had the sweetest pet that I thought was just a mutt. As it turns out, I was the proud owner of a designer dog! Marti was…


Get Started with Crate Training!

by Eric Bogard

Have you ever noticed your dog hunker under a table, bed or chair?

Whether frightened -say by lightning and thunder- or not, dogs are not all that separated from their wild ancestors. Certain ‘in the wild’ instincts and behaviors still remain such as seeking a den for protection, comfort, and psychological satisfaction. If left without a designated place to call his or her own your dog will actively seek shelter wherever deemed appropriate (not by you but by your four legged friend, of course). However, by tapping into your dog’s natural tendencies a crate will provide the very comfort and solitude so very wanted.

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