Browsing: Animal Rights

Animal Rights
Help Save the “TOTE BAG” Pitbull Puppies!

Help SSP Save the Tote Bag Puppies…

These 4 babies were left in a TOTE BAG outside of Heard County Animal Control. They were dehydrated, starving and scared. Unfortunately, one of their siblings died from the stress of the terrible ordeal. Who could do such a thing to loving puppies?

Unfortunately the reality is that pitbulls, even if they are tiny innocent babies, get the short end

Animal Rights
The Other Side of the Pet Store Window

Every time I see a shopping mall pet store, I wish I could stand in front of it and show the passersby an elderly Chihuahua named Sophia. Sophia is the reason no one should ever buy an animal from a pet store. Like most dogs for sale in stores, she came from a puppy mill…

When I first met Sophia, I didn’t think she would ever get over

Animal Rights sweet little puppy with sad eyes
The “u” in Humane is You

Five Things You Can Do to Help Companion Animals in Distress

Chances are that when you look around your home, you see one or more four-legged creatures gazing patiently back at you: dogs and cats. Recent pet industry statistics show that over 63% of American homes keep pets, and that over 40% of pet-owners think of their pets as highly-valued members of the family. People of all ages, colors

Animal Rights
The Dog-gone News

S250, a bill to prohibit canine ear cropping in Vermont, passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday and now moves to the full Senate. The bill was amended slightly to clarify that owners will not be penalized if they have their dogs’ ears cropped in another state, where the practice is legal. The new version also includes references to Vermont veterinarians’ general support for the bill, as well

Animal Rights
What is Animal Deathing?

Found this to be a pretty interesting article. It’s a bit different, but that’s what opinions are supposed to be…

What happens when we die? In our society, death is often hidden away. Rarely are we present for the passing of a loved one, a major exception being our animal family members.

Echo, my horse of 22 years, took her time dying, even with the help of euthanasia

Animal Rights
Mind Over Matter: How to Understand a Horse

Understanding where horses come from has been a long road for most equestrians. Using that new understanding can dramatically change how one handles, cares for, and trains or rides their horse.

“We treat horses the way others tell us to, as well as the way we were treated as children,” says Gwenyth Browning Jones Santagate, of Douglas Massachusetts. ?That usually borders on abuse, even for experienced equestrians. My dad

Animal Rights
A Look At Animal Ethics

by Jon Dunkerley


A long time ago, before evolution turned the primate into a businessman carrying a briefcase, the topic of ethical considerations concerning animals was as talked about as an episode of Barney at a dog trainer’s convention. Why is this? I believe that this is because nobody bothered to decide to give the issue any thought. And how could they? Back in the day of