Browsing: TV

MORE THAN 1,700 POUNDS OF MUSCLE. OVER 80 TATTOOS. ONE UNLIKELY MISSION: TO RESCUE HELPLESS, ABANDONED AND ABUSED ANIMALS Ride Along with Rescue Ink Friday at 10pm EST – They’re tough guys who aren’t afraid to go anywhere or confront anyone to save animals in danger . . . If you don’t like us from
Want to be on ABC’s new reality show?!
I love new pet inventions and often post about them here on PETSblogs. Today I’m writing about Enter the Shark Tank in hopes of seeing a PETSblogs reader featured this fall on ABC’s new reality show!
The folks at ABC/MarkBurnett Productions are currently searching for inventors who have an interest in having their products or inventions evaluated on a network
(WASHINGTON, D.C. — APRIL 15, 2009) Every year, more than one million purebred and “designer” dogs are born and bred into puppy mills — often packed in tiny wire cages, neglected, dehydrated, dirty and chronically sick, with little or no human interaction or affection — and then sold legally to pet stores throughout the country. Now, in a powerful new Dog Whisperer episode, Cesar Millan goes undercover to witness the horrors of puppy mills firsthand and works to rehabilitate dogs who have never known a world outside their overcrowded cages, or learned how to interact with humans.
Two homeless dogs named Haley and Hana are rescued from an underground cave in Ethiopia, where it is believed they survived for more than two months after being dumped there by locals… Hugo, a 100-pound bloodhound, is returned to DogTown after seriously biting a family member… And a golden retriever, Ava, has just arrived with a paw ripped apart by a coyote trap…

I just finished watching an advance press screening of Dogtown and I can warn you – Aristotle and Waylon sill steal your heart in the first episode which premiers on Friday night at 10pm.
Airs Friday, March 20, 2009 at 10 PM ET/PT
Aristotle, a terrier mix rescued from a hoarding situation, comes to DogTown with a skin condition that
National Geographic has been showing some great Dog Whisperer episode since Christmas. Tonight at 8pm they’ve got a Great Dane and a Lhasa Apso in the line up.
Here’s what their release says about this up-coming episode:
Problems come in all sizes, and in this episode Cesar takes on a massive Great Dane and a little Lhasa apso. First, meet Hailie and Heath and their Great Dane, Bacchus
Nat Geo’s had some really great shows on lately and the fun for animal lovers continues this Sunday (January 4th) from 8pm to 10pm ET. I’ve actually already previewed an advanced screening copy of In the Womb: Dogs. I haven’t yet watched the complimentary copy of In the Womb: Cats — but I have high expectations because the state-of-the-art visual effects and real-time 4-D ultrasound imagery used in the dog
I’d recently written about the Dog Whisperer episode that featured Hemingway & Rigby, the English bulldogs belonging to Ashley Simpson-Wentz and Pete Wentz (it just aired last night).
There’s another episode coming on tonight at 8pm that also looks intriguing. It’s all about Tobi and Riley. . .
Tobi, the Pinner’s dog, is a sheepdog/collie/lab/akita mix (all of which were bred for hunting). Tobi is overly aggressive
Ever watch Cesar Millan walk into someone’s home, hear dog owners explain the issues going on with the family pet and then help the owners take control and become the leader of their pack? I once spent an entire Friday night watching episode after episode during a Dog Whisperer marathon.
Cesar Millan, the renowned dog behavior expert known as the Dog Whisperer, has a